So, between getting all the details in place for my upcoming show, I have been painting a bit too:

(I'm thinking finished)

In the freight elevator at the studio, taking my larger paintings downstairs to be photographed. This is only some of the work! There was another load of about 40 small pieces.

Among the larger pieces photographed was this one.
Then I varnished it.....

...and look what happened. The top shiny part is good. The strange matte shapes at the bottom are not good.
Same varnish, same technique as with a number of other works I varnished that day, only this one went weird. No idea why.

Close-up of nice varnish looking how it's supposed to look.

Close-up of the weirdness.
Can I convey to you the extent of my consternation and disappointment?
I was in tears. Varnishing a week before the work goes out is cutting it a little close, but the gallery is here in town, so no long shipping of wrapped works. A week to cure is OK in this case.
But now here is - of course! - the largest work in the exhibition looking like some strange goo was spilled haphazardly on it.
I removed the portions of varnish that went weird, following manufacturer's instructions. It went well enough, but a little paint did come off so I've had to re-paint some small bits. Now the work cannot be shown until it's dry, several weeks' time at least, and (shudder of apprehension) re-varnished.
Looks like this one will not be in my exhibition after all.