31 July 2017

The Process: JC x 2

Yesterday Jen Cloutier came to visit my studio and interview me for a project she has been working on, documenting the lives and studio practices of artists in Cuba and Canada.  It's called "The Process"; you can read about it here.  

Near the end of our visit, she graciously sat for not one but two quick portraits, lucky me!

Jen Cloutier: flanneur, curator of Vivant! and author of The Process
Sharpie marker and gouache in the green portrait book

Jen Cloutier: flanneur, curator of Vivant! and author of The Process
China marker and gouache in the green portrait book

Beautiful bee wing shadows.  Part of the process is observing nature.

As I was photographing those portraits this morning, I noticed a bee sitting very still on the deck.  Aren't the shadows of its wings just beautiful?  The flower shadows too.

the process of colour
Sometimes I write in my sketchbooks

The process of making a painting: work in progress, sheer colour layers
Sometimes I paint in my studio

The Process; observing nature makes my eyes happy
And sometimes I am in the right place at the right time to notice something beautiful.

27 July 2017

JP and YT x 2

JP enjoying coffee in the sunshine, portrait in sketchbook

JP enjoying the morning sunshine with a coffee.  The coffee itself is not shown, but its effect is apparent in his facial relaxation.

wildflower garden in summer barely needs any water even in dry heat

Our front wildflower garden.  This patch pretty much takes care of itself; even in this summer of relentless dry heat I have only watered it twice.

portrait of yulia tsinko by verna vogel ink & goauche in sketchbook

TY x 2

portrait of yulia tsinko by verna vogel ink & gouache in sketechbook

Sitting under trees by the river on a beautiful day.

18 July 2017

Alberta Landscape No. 2017-3

alberta landscape no. 2017-3 a lovely view
the view

Alberta landscape no. 2017-3 my palette of colours
the palette

alberta landscape no. 2017-3 initial sketch
the sketch

alberta landscape no. 2017-3 begin painting, sky first
before the debris-laden wind gust

alberta landscape no. 2017-3 after the wind storm hit!
after the debris-laden wind gust

alberta landscape no. 2017-3 finished painting in the field
finished work with debris

alberta landscape no. 2017-3 painting and view all together now
on location

alberta landscape no. 2017-3 final touch-ups in the studio
in studio, with slight touching ups

Wildfires are burning in Banff and the air is hazy but this does not stop us from going out painting.  In fact the haze lends a wonderful atmospheric effect.  

That wind gust, though: full of sand and ashes and whatever else the fast wind can pick up.  Too much debris to remove completely.  Guess it'll just have to dry in the paint layer; I'll call it "natural provenance".