09 May 2018

Branch Out 2

A few weeks ago I met with a neuroscience student at the UofC, as part of my involvement with the Branch Out Foundation's "Your Brain on Art" event.

Branch Out Foundation - Your Brain on Art please bid on my work!

This is the painting which I have put into the exhibition and online auction.  All artwork will also be exhibited at cSPACE King Edward this month, May 16-17, should you wish to see it in person.

I very rarely put my work into fundraisers, but when I do, here's my standard deal: 

There is a minimum bid price - so that my work does not sell for pennies, thus lowering the perceived value of the visual arts (which can be a problem in this country).

I get 50% of the sale - same as if my work sells through one of my galleries, so that I am paid for my work as everyone, including artists, should be (but sometimes are not).

If you've ever wanted to own one of my small abstract works, now would be a good time to bid on this one.

Thank you in advance for your support of art and brain science!  :)

06 May 2018

turn around

Feeling less than great about this painting.  With every added layer it decreases in visual flexibility.  Too much control on the part of the artist, methinks; I just can't seem to lose it.

augury no.14 in progress oil painting abstract

All right then, if that's the way it's going to be, let's apply some serious control.  Haul out the pencils and rulers!  Erasers, even!  (gasp)

work in progress, oil on canvas, graphite, charcoal, conte, drawing, painting

... and charcoal and conte and a bit of oil medium ...

work in progress, oil on canvas, graphite, charcoal, conte, drawing, painting

Well that turned out to be a pretty good response to the situation.  Once this layer is dry, I will add some subtle oil glazes.

I have been wanting to make paintings that have a similar feeling to the Tension : No Tension installation I created at the turn of the year, but was not sure how to translate the 3D into 2D.  Now I have a starting point.  Feeling excited about my work again, curious where these will go.

And, of course, when I get tired of exercising this level of control, I have those unfinished big loose paintings to turn to.  A beautiful balance, n'est-ce pas?