13 June 2019

Exhibition: CHROMA at CKG

Christine Klassen Gallery CHROMA 2019 exhibition

A few of my newest paintings will be included in this exhibition.
Click here for more info.

Christine Klassen Gallery CHROMA 2019 exhibition

I'm feeling quite excited about my practice these days.  Feels like I've broken through some barriers, and the work is really beginning to flow.  It's so important to be persistent, even when it takes years to develop an idea.  Being able to teach children's art classes buys me the time I need to be patient with my studio practice.  I'm feeling grateful for the turns my life has taken.

Christine Klassen Gallery CHROMA 2019 exhibition

Speaking of teaching, today I go with two Grade 3 classes to the Weaselhead Conservations Area, where we will go on a guided nature hike, and then do some sketching before heading back to the school.  I've got a couple of fun charcoal techniques up my sleeve :)

Looking forward!


Barbara Muir said...

How wonderful. The work is gorgeous. And it must be fun hanging out
with grade three kids. I teach at the college level. We try and get that grade three enthusiasm working again!

Love your work.


Verna Vogel said...

Thank you Barbara! Yes, the Grade three kids are wonderful. I love what you do, teaching at college level and rediscovering "grade three enthusiasm"!