09 January 2023

Exhibition: BLINK

In October 2022 I had a solo show of my oil paintings at the Collector's Gallery.

How wonderful to once again see a collection of my work displayed on the walls of a gallery!  And how fortunate to be able to keep on working over the last few years, despite many societal and personal uncertainties and upheavals.

You can find proper images of the work at the Collector's Gallery exhibitions page

Below are a couple of screens shots from my i-g page which (if I have done it correctly) should link to the posts which contain a bit of writing about the work and a couple of wee vids:

I enjoy the immediacy of i-g these days, but feel it's also good to make a blog post every now and again.  Not quite a new year's resolution *laughs* but perhaps a kind of general leaning towards without any time pressure.

Thanks for reading these bits and I hope the links are alright.  Next post perhaps I'll put a bit more of the ideas writing directly in, but today I'm just about done with screen time and wish to head into the studio before daylight fades.

Thank you as always for reading!




Barbara Muir said...

How fantastic! I love your work!


Verna Vogel said...

Thank you madame!! Love your work too ❤️